Visiting the Last Cigar Factory in Ybor City, Cigar Capital of the United States
Florida: If you’ve been smoking cigars for a couple decades, chances are you’ve noticed that finding a place to light up is increasingly difficult. The first statewide smoking ban in…

Rezoning approved for cigar and bourbon lounge
Kentucky: The Georgetown-Scott County Planning Commission voted unanimously Thursday to approve an application to rezone the property located at 1442 Delaplain Road from A-1 (agricultural) to B-1 (business) to allow…

VODCast: The Cigar World’s Dirtiest Cigar Secrets
VODCast: This week on The Cigar Authority broadcasting live from the Toscano Sound Stage in Salem, New Hampshire… Do you want to know a secret? How about a whole bunch…

Tampa’s cigar festival named largest in the world
Florida: Ybor City was full of people the first week of December for the world’s largest cigar festival. Thousands of people packed into Centennial Park to enjoy an array of…

Ybor City organization supporting troops by sending ‘Cigars for Soldiers’
Florida: An Ybor City organization is working to support our troops by giving Cigars for Soldiers, a unique way to say thank you for their service with a gift that…

Cigar company must move 5,000 bats before renovating historic Tampa speakeasy
Florida: The Sanchez y Haya Building along East Columbus Avenue in north Ybor City was a restaurant and hotel in the early 1900s. During the Prohibition era, it was hosting…

The Newly Reopened Cigar Club at The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis Dazzles With Roaring ’20s Style
Missouri: There’s a hidden corner of The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis in Clayton that transports visitors back in time. For those in the know, all it takes is a handful of…