Take Action in your state
Protecting your cigar rights at the state level is a critical part of Cigar Rights of America's mission. If you see your state listed below, contact your state representatives now!
CRA is currently engaged on the following bills, but we are already tracking dozens more. If you are aware of a bill you do not see below, please reach out to us to learn more about which bills we do and do not engage on.
Massachusetts - Click here to oppose Massachusetts Generational Tobacco Ban
House Bill 2372 and Senate Bill 1317 seek to ban the sale of all tobacco products, including premium cigars, in Massachusetts to individuals born on or after January 1, 2006. While framed as a public health initiative, this bill represents a troubling overreach of government authority, restricting personal freedoms and undermining adults’ ability to make their own decisions. It sets a dangerous precedent for limiting individual choice in personal matters.
Indiana - Oppose Indiana Generational Tobacco Ban
Senate Bill 322 (SB 322) seeks to ban the sale of all tobacco products, including premium cigars, in Indiana to individuals born after June 30, 2004. While framed as a public health initiative, this bill represents a troubling overreach of government authority, restricting personal freedoms and undermining adults’ ability to make their own decisions. It sets a dangerous precedent for limiting individual choice in personal matters.
Senate Bill 429 (SB429) seeks to ban the sale of all tobacco products, including premium cigars, in Hawaii to individuals born after January 1, 2005. While framed as a public health initiative, this bill represents a troubling overreach of government authority, restricting personal freedoms and undermining adults’ ability to make their own decisions. It sets a dangerous precedent for limiting individual choice in personal matters.
HB 1426 and SB 1505 seek to introduce vital changes to the Cigarette Tax and Tobacco Tax Law by creating a distinct definition for "premium cigar" that separates it from mass-market large cigars. This differentiation is crucial in ensuring that premium cigars, which are handcrafted and enjoyed by adult consumers, are not subjected to the same regulatory burdens as other tobacco products.
Washington - Oppose Premium Cigar Ban
Washington State lawmakers have introduced HB 1203 and SB 5183, flavor ban bills that could severely impact the premium cigar industry. The language in these bills is overly broad and threatens to include premium cigars based on descriptive advertising or even casual conversations in cigar shops.
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